Recovery nutrition.
1.Hydration.Lost amount of water from body should be recovered. If you lost during routine 5 kg- you should recovery 5 litres of water. Don’t forget that water recovery should not exceed 1,5 litres per hour( otherwise you just give your body extra stress without any benefits).Give your body time to absorb water (1 cup of water every 15-20 minutes)
2.Carbs. It is important to refuel your body’s muscles with glycogen as fast is possible( 1 gram per 1kg of weight).This also helps to start rebuilding muscles(right after routine)
3.Proteins. Is key building block to repair muscle tissue damaged during intense workout .If its possible have around 30 grams of proteins( to help muscle recovery)-right after workout. Daily intake of protein for regular person-1 gram per kilo of weight( for our sport could add 50% more to this.)
Good choice , for after routine recovery , to have; protein shake with fruit ,or power bar, or simply chocolate milk(0,25-0.5L).
Rest nutrition you will start getting 1 hour after training.