Hachiji dachi: Natural stance
Han zenkutsu dachi: Half forward stance
Heiko dachi: Parallel stance
Heisoku dachi: Informal attention stance
Kokutsu dachi: Back stance
Kosa dachi: Crouched stance
Musubi dachi: Informal attention stance, feet turned out
Neko ashi dachi: Cat stance
Reinoji dachi - L stance (sometimes called "haraisa dachi")
Sanchin dachi: Hour glass stance
Sesan dachi: Side facing straddle stance
Shiko dachi : Box stance (sometimes called "square stance" or "sumo stance")
Zenkutsu dachi: Long stance
Fudo dachi: Rooted stance, "Immovable stance"
Gankaku dachi: One legged stance
Sagi ashi dachi Gedan no kamae : Lower level combative posture
Shizen dachi: Natural combative posture
Hangetsu dachi: Half moon stance
Hanmi: Half front facing position
Hanmi no kamae : Half forward facing combative posture
Hidari shizen tai: Left natural position
Hidari teiji dachi: "Left T" stance
Jodan no kamae : Upper level combative posture
Kiba dachi: Straddle stance (sometimes called Naihanchin dachi; Naifanchin dachi)
Naihanshi dachi: Kiba dachi with knees turned in and down
Sagi ashi dachi: Propped leg stance
Shizen dachi no kamae : Natural combative posture
Shizentai: Natural position
Sochin dachi: Diagonal straddle leg "Immovable" stance, rooted stance
Teiji dachi: T stance
Tsugi ashi: Shuffling step
Tsuri ashi dachi: Crane stance with propped leg
Uchi hachiji dachi: Inverted open-leg stance
Yori ashi : Dragging step