
Vital Points

Bitei: Coccyx

Danchu : Breastbone

Denko : Ribs (slightly below ganka)

Dokusen : Side of neck

Fukuto : Hollow of knee

Ganka : Ribs (point located directly under the nipple)

Hayauchi: Upper back

Hichu : Windpipe

Hijisume : Inside of elbow

Inazuma : Stomach wall (ganka level)

Jinchu : Philtrum (dimple between top lip and nose)

Kakon : Chin

Kassatsu : Spine, middle of back

Kasumi: Temple on the side of the head

Keichu : Back of neck; Base of cerebellum

Kinteki: Groin

Kokotsu : Shinbone

Komekami: Cheekbone

Kori: Area around the toes

Kutaku : Inner wrist

Kyosen : Sternum

Mikazuki : Jaw

Murasame : Clavicle

Myosho : Navel area, abdomen

Naira : Achilles tendon

Seimo : Eye socket

Shomon : Skull

Shuko : Back of hand

Soin : Instep

Soma : Calves

Soto shakutaku : Outer wrist

Suigetsu : Solar plexus

Tanden : Abdomen (the power center of the body)

Tsumasaki : Tips of toes

Ushiro denko : Kidney area (Literally "back ribs")

Ushiro inazuma : Backside

Uto : Bridge of nose

Yako : Inner thigh


Tournament Terminology

Aiuchi: Simultaneous points by both opponents

Aka : Red

Atoshi baraku : 30 seconds to go

Atenai Yoni: Warning without penalty

Attate Iru : Contact

Chui: Warning

Encho-sen : Extension of bout

Fujubun : Not enough power

Fukushin : Referee's mirror in a bout; the judge

Fukushin Shugo : Judges conference

Hansoku : Foul

Hansoku chui: Warning with an ippon penalty

Hantei: Judgement

Hikiwake : Draw

Ippon : One point

Jogai: Exit from fighting area

Jo sokutei: Raised sole (also "double entry")

Kachi: Victorious winner

Kansa : The timekeeper in a bout; the arbitrator

Keikoku : Warning with waza ari penalty

Kiken : Renunciation

Ma-ai ga toh : Improper distancing

Moto no ichi: Return to your starting position

Mubobi: Warning for lack of regard for one's own safety

No Jikan : Time

Nukete Iru : Out of target

Shiai: Match

Shikaku : Disqualification and dismissal

Shushin : Referee

Shiro : White

Shobu ippon : One point match

Shobu nihon : Two point match

Shobu sanbon : Three point match

Sore made : End of match

Suki: Opening

Taiming go osoi: Not proper timing

Torimasen : No point

Tsuzukete : Resume; Carry on (phonetically "Soo-zoo-keh-tay")

Ukete Iru : Blocked

Waza ari: Half-point

Yowai: Weak focus


Hachiji dachi: Natural stance

Han zenkutsu dachi: Half forward stance

Heiko dachi: Parallel stance

Heisoku dachi: Informal attention stance

Kokutsu dachi: Back stance

Kosa dachi: Crouched stance

Musubi dachi: Informal attention stance, feet turned out

Neko ashi dachi: Cat stance

Reinoji dachi - L stance (sometimes called "haraisa dachi")

Sanchin dachi: Hour glass stance

Sesan dachi: Side facing straddle stance

Shiko dachi : Box stance (sometimes called "square stance" or "sumo stance")

Zenkutsu dachi: Long stance

Fudo dachi: Rooted stance, "Immovable stance"

Gankaku dachi: One legged stance

Sagi ashi dachi Gedan no kamae : Lower level combative posture

Shizen dachi: Natural combative posture

Hangetsu dachi: Half moon stance

Hanmi: Half front facing position

Hanmi no kamae : Half forward facing combative posture

Hidari shizen tai: Left natural position

Hidari teiji dachi: "Left T" stance

Jodan no kamae : Upper level combative posture

Kiba dachi: Straddle stance (sometimes called Naihanchin dachi; Naifanchin dachi)

Naihanshi dachi: Kiba dachi with knees turned in and down

Sagi ashi dachi: Propped leg stance

Shizen dachi no kamae : Natural combative posture

Shizentai: Natural position

Sochin dachi: Diagonal straddle leg "Immovable" stance, rooted stance

Teiji dachi: T stance

Tsugi ashi: Shuffling step

Tsuri ashi dachi: Crane stance with propped leg

Uchi hachiji dachi: Inverted open-leg stance

Yori ashi : Dragging step



Empi ate : Elbow strike (sometimes called "hiji ate", "empi uchi", "hiji uchi")

Haito uchi : Ridge hand strike

Hiji atemi : Elbow strikes

Hiraken : Fore knuckle fist

Hiza uchi : Knee strike (sometimes called "hiza geri")

Ko uchi : Wrist strikeMawashi empi uchi : Round elbow strike

Nukite uchi : Spear hand strike

Shuto uchi : Knife-hand strikeSokuto uchi : Foot edge strikeTeisho uchi : Palm heel strike

(sometimes called "Shotei uchi")

Tetsui uchi : Bottom fist strike

Uchi : Striking

Uraken uchi : Back fist strike

Atama uchi : Strike with head

Ganmen uchi : Facial strike

Hai wan : Back arm

Haishu uchi : Back hand strike

Heiwan uchi : Forearm strike

Hitosashi ippon ken : Forefinger knuckle

Hizagashira : Knee cap

Ippon ken : One knuckle fist

Ippon nukite : Stabbing action with extended forefinger

Kentsui uchi : Hammer fist strike

Kumade uchi : Bear hand strike (as used in the kata Sepai)

Mae empi uchi : Forward elbow strike (sometimes called Mae hiji ate)

Mawashi hiji ate : Circular elbow strike

Nakadaka ippon ken : Middle finger one knuckle fist (as used in the kata Sepai)

Nakadaka ken : Middle finger knuckle fist

Nihon nukite : Two finger spear-hand

Otoshi empi uchi : Downward elbow strike (sometimes called "Otoshi hiji ate")

Oyayubi ippon ken : Thumb knuckle

Sashite : Raising hand to strike

Seiryuto : Ox jaw hand

Shittsui : Knee hammer

Shu wan : Palm arm

Shubo : Arm stick

Tate empi uchi : Upward elbow strike (sometimes called "Tate hiji ate")

Ushiro empi uchi : Back elbow strike (sometimes called "Ushiro hiji ate")

Wanto : Arm sword

Washide : Eagle hand

Yoko empi uchi : Side elbow strike (sometimes called "Yoko hiji ate")

Yoko mawashi empi uchi : Side round elbow strike (also "Yoko mawashi hiji ate")


Age zuki : Rising punch

Choku zuki : Straight punching from a parallel stance

Chudan zuki : Middle area punch

Furi zuki : Circular punch

Gedan zuki : Punch to low area

Gyaku zuki : Reverse punch

Jodan zuki : Upper punch

Kizame Zuki : Jab Punch

Oi zuki : Lunge punch

Seiken zuki : Forefist punch

Ura zuki : Close range punch

Awase zuki : U punch

Choku zuki chudan : Straight punch to body

Dan zuki : Consecutive punching

Hasami zuki : Scissors punch

Heiko zuki : Double punch, simultaneous

Hiraken zuki : Fore-knuckle-fist straight punch

Hon zuki : Frontal punch

Ippon ken zuki : One-knuckle-fist straight punch

Jun zuki : Double punch, consecutive

Kagi zuki : Hook punch

Mawashi zuki : Roundhouse punch

Morote zuki : Double-fist "U" punch

Nagashi zuki : Flowing punch

Nihon zuki : Double punch

Oroshi zuki : Descending punch

Ren zuki : Alternate punching

Sanbon zuki : Three punch combination

San ren zuki : Three consecutive punches

Seiken choku zuki : Fore-fist punching from a parallel stance

Tate zuki : Vertical fist punch

Ten zuki : Heaven punch

Tsun zuki : One inch punch (as used in the kata Sesan)

Yama zuki : Mountain punch

Yoko zuki : Side punch


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