

Training Day



Study of some Kumite Techniques



Stefano Maniscalco - ITALIA



Okinawan Karate Training




In this section we will give you a brief tour of our training process. The videos selected here will show you both the traditional and sport parts of karate. Traditional karate training is based on traditional Okinawa Goju Ryu karate techniques. Sport karate adapts the basic sport conditioning of (“scientific approach”) strength, cardio,  speed, agility, stretching, plyometrics, nutrition and much more into the routine to improve the physical condition of athletes.

The training of age groups 6-12y/o  is based on the traditional karate  techniques; kihon and  kata  development. Routine, in general, is greatly affected by the existing Karate Ontario rules at this moment.  Conditioning in this age group is based on fun competitive exercises where we teach kids basic motor skills and most importantly- we develop their competitive skills. Parents’ support and positive feedback is very important in this stage in order for kids to build their interest in sports . Motivation is also a great way to  start sports ! Habit is what keeps you doing it! So lets start building this healthy habit together!

After 12y/o the routine changes. The focus is primarily on developing all the sport karate skills and techniques necessary to compete at the elite level tournaments(World Karate Federations rules). The intensity and exercises selected is based on the tournaments schedule. Sport conditioning , specific karate drills, timing and tactics are all the main objectives at this stage. After each tournament (we call it “off season”) we add to our routine: traditional karate techniques, submission grappling, kickboxing, and self defence. This is done to give some time for a physical recovery from the specific sport routines, and also adds some variety. Karate is not just a physical fitness system but also self defence. Our goal is to give  students all of the basic knowledge needed in order to be able to defend themselves in real life situations.


All students (competitors and recreational stream students) follow the same routine, just with their own personal adjustment of the intensity and difficulty. Beginners are welcome with any age group with only one small criteria - their  best effort is required! Smoking and other bad habits are reduced which is one of the benefits of exercising. Proper and healthy nutrition will help to go through the routine much easier.

Next topics of the website will  give you a better (visual) idea of subjects such as: traditional kata, bunkai kata, tournament kata, self defence, traditional karate conditioning and   sport karate conditioning .


Sensei R. Saltikov

Self defence - this is one of the main reasons why many people start martial arts training (other reasons are: body image, health, sport etc..). The traditional part of karate is kata and bunkai (application) kata, which is self defence. Kata masters a spontaneous response to different attack scenarios: defence from punches, kicks, holds, chokes ,multiple opponent attacks, and so on. Originally  karate was created as a combat system in Okinawa to be used in situations like “to kill or  be killed”. Nowadays karate is mostly a great physical conditioning system and we must appreciate the fact that we live in such society where it is not necessary to constantly defend ourselves from violence. Traditional  Budo teaches: “the wisest thing to do in a situation is to run away”…This means  that the key of self defence is to learn how to   predict and avoid confrontation, and use physical violence only in cases where your  life or your love ones is in danger!

Aristotle: “Anyone can become angry-that is easy. But to be angry with the right reason, to the right degree, at the right time, to the right purpose, and in the right way-that is not easy.”

For kids, general safety rules taught in public schools are the way to be safe. For adults, everybody must use  their own common sense to react rationally to violence (avoid violating law).Everybody who  is looking for physical confrontation eventually might end up in the hospital (if loses) or in jail(if wins)…not pretty perspectives at all!


To see traditional karate self defence, look  our webs section “kata” and bunkai.

Also offering an entertaining (not suitable for children) video course of  “street self defence” by one famous fighter with vast experience in this field. The course is technically very practical, but I hope, by watching it, you will realize that it is better to not be there! Violence does not look pretty!

Remember-the art of self defence is not in winning the fight but in avoiding it!

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