Vital Points

Bitei: Coccyx

Danchu : Breastbone

Denko : Ribs (slightly below ganka)

Dokusen : Side of neck

Fukuto : Hollow of knee

Ganka : Ribs (point located directly under the nipple)

Hayauchi: Upper back

Hichu : Windpipe

Hijisume : Inside of elbow

Inazuma : Stomach wall (ganka level)

Jinchu : Philtrum (dimple between top lip and nose)

Kakon : Chin

Kassatsu : Spine, middle of back

Kasumi: Temple on the side of the head

Keichu : Back of neck; Base of cerebellum

Kinteki: Groin

Kokotsu : Shinbone

Komekami: Cheekbone

Kori: Area around the toes

Kutaku : Inner wrist

Kyosen : Sternum

Mikazuki : Jaw

Murasame : Clavicle

Myosho : Navel area, abdomen

Naira : Achilles tendon

Seimo : Eye socket

Shomon : Skull

Shuko : Back of hand

Soin : Instep

Soma : Calves

Soto shakutaku : Outer wrist

Suigetsu : Solar plexus

Tanden : Abdomen (the power center of the body)

Tsumasaki : Tips of toes

Ushiro denko : Kidney area (Literally "back ribs")

Ushiro inazuma : Backside

Uto : Bridge of nose

Yako : Inner thigh