
School Tournament at R.S. Karate



Karate Ontario Grand Prix #4

November 18,2012(Newmarket ,ON) Karate Ontario Association had #4 Grand Prix .This was last qualifying tournament to select Ontario Provincial Team for upcoming Canadian Nationals (march, Toronto).We did great! This year our club will have record number selected for Provincial Team. This will put lots of pressure on us at the Team trainings and Actual performance at Nationals. We had great energy this year and lets finish well and get good number of of our members in the Canadian National Team !

R.S.Karate members in the Ontario Provincial Team

1.Gary Zipenco 14-15 -52kg

2.Mike Lotkin 14-15 -63kg

3.Mike Grinberg 14-15 -57kg

4.Max Verzounov 14-15 -70kg

5.Noam Prudovski 14-15 girls +54kg

6.Artyom Muradyan 16-17 -55kg

7.Andriy Guzenko 16-17 -68kg

8.Roman Mityaev 16-17 -68kg

9.Vadim Semenikhine 16-17 -76kg

10.Mike Konnov 16-17 +76kg

11.Regina Lvov 16-17 -48kg

12.Michelle Pokrass 16-17 -53kg

Adults women -55kg

13.Tal Bratkov 16-17 -59kg

14.Anissa Laribi 16-17 +59kg

15.Daniel Gaysinsky 18-20 -78kg

Adults -75kg

16.Denis Adigamov 18-20 -68kg

Adults -67kg

17.Kirill Bazhenov Adults -84kg

18.Samantha Krystantos 18-20 -60kg

Adults -55kg

19.Tina Sharifi adults -61kg

Plus 2 guest competitors who associated with our team :

20.Leivin Chung adults -60kg

21.Leirik Chung adults -67kg

Good luck at Nationals (March 2013,Toronto)!!!

Karate Ontario Grand Prix #1 and Grand Prix#2

(April 15/2012 and June 10/2012 )

This two tournaments were great success for our club competitors. Both tournaments our club members made 25-30 medals in elite sport divisions. This gives chance to 18-20 our athletes to be in Ontario Provincial team .Especially we pleased with results in cadet divisions. They all newcomers in elite sport group but still some managed to position themselves in first or second places. Many of them qualified to take part in Ontario Summer Games(august 2012).

Next age divisions(juniors and adults) all experienced competitors .Many of them positioned as #1 in Province for years and this time they performed well too. Helped training camp what we had week before Provincials .Next Ontario Grand Prix in September. This gives all of us time to recover from intense season and prepare for next one!

Good luck!

For full tournament results




Grand Prix #2 Tournament photo - 2012. 



Congratulations to all RS Karate competitors with great performance!!!

Sensei R.Saltikov

Yuujou Summer Karate League June 24, 2012               

Our club with collaboration with two more Ontario clubs(Hourahine's Martial Arts and ISK), successfully started junior summer league. This is team bonding interclub tournament, which created to keep kids motivated during summer time and helps them to get more competition experience.

Special thanks to organizers of the first event(Hourahine's Martial Arts- Cambridge, Ontario) and our officials and volunteers.

Event went smoothly and well organized. All participants had a great time and looking forward to be part of our next meeting.(July 29-at ISK dojo, Toronto).


Roman Saltikov.

Karate Canada National Championships at the Richmond Olympic Oval,BC. 

The weeks' activities started on Tuesday, March 13 with the tournament from March 16-18, 2012.{gallery}stories/2012/richmondbc:135:104:0:0{/gallery}

Please Viste Our Photo Gallery




Sensei Roman Saltikov.                                                                                         (RS Karate)

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